
Friday, 10 September 2010

Packing for Teddies 2010

I feel as though I am ALWAYS packing....... and funnily enough it takes me ages to unpack the last lot! It is quite funny when I open up a case to fill and find bits of pieces of other fairs tucked at the bottom. Now I have two very fat very heavy cases to tote down to London curtesy of Britsh Airways. I have been working really hard and I have mice, bears, and of course hedgehogs to take with me. And.....who is that in the second picture? I had just had to succumb.


  1. Oh Miss Sue, Good Morning.

    The "kids" are so precious. That little baby is so sweet.

    You have a wonderful and successful trip. Be safe and know that we all love you. (o:

    Heaps of Honey Hugs (HOHH, giggle)

    Prudence & Sissy
    (Mom too, of course)

  2. gosh you have some wonderful bears love the second pic

    have a great trip my new friend


  3. Those hedgehogs are so darn cute Sue!
    I have become a follower and will add you to my blog list.


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