My Aunty Shirley was the most wonderful person you could meet and has always been a source of inspiration and love to so many throughout her life - delivering thousands of babies in her duties as a District Midwife in her younger days. We will miss her but will always be there for us......
Dearest Sue,
ReplyDeleteIt's those wonderful memories that keep our hearts from breaking when a loved one passes. I know very well. And it's okay to cry - heck sometimes I cry walking down the baked beans isle at the grocery store. My precious Mom loved to make baked beans for my hubby - and I hated them. Silly things that we remember. And it's okay.
You don't have to be strong or put on a brave front - loving is missing and missing makes you cry.
Write if you need a shoulder and I will do the same.
Hugs, friend, plenty of hugs to you.
Thank you Joyce - I so appreciate those words. I can just see her beside me! On the evening of the funeral, my brother and I sat looking at a Victorian family album. The music box in it had not been working for about 40 years. Suddenly as both our hands touched the album the music box started to play a most beautiful tune even though there was no spring inside the movement!