I think it is time to sit down with a cup of tea! My problem is that I want to do everything NOW and not waste the time trying to find out how to do it properly. Blogging I know is meant to be easy and the editing a cinch to follow... However I have to admit that I am getting stuck! It sounds so nice to do my own background and I have made a half decent one using photos and little embellishments I have created using my garden flowers etc.
Now comes the time to apply it to my blog......like I say I think I need to have that cup of tea before I scream. I think I will leave it at this point as I do have so much to do for the next weeks fair!
I have prepared some little boy hedgehogs for the show - I seem to have mainly girls and the poor boys dont get a look in. It doesnt seem fair and the girls get lonely so some boys will now keep them company. I have nearly finished a fairly large bear which was not easy to stuff in todays heat.
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